domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2008

Knowing Zrii.

Knowing Zrii.

Partocinadora Ana Maria, Patron number: 2776262.

To learn and be part of Zrii, we invite you to follow these 4 easy steps:

1 .- See the following videos:

All About the Company:

All About the Product, 1st Part:

Everything about the product, 2nd Part:

Everything on the Plan of Prosperity, 1st Part:

Everything on the Plan of Prosperity, 2nd Part:

All the basic information of Zrii find in these videos and if you've seen what pleases you, then you can registrarteClick Here, using the suiguiente number of sponsor (2,776,262).

2.-Register. Log in and click on the button: "Join Zrii." After entering the number 2776262 to sponsor, fill the appropriate form and at the end you'll have your ID number, which you will log on to others. (No Sponsor: 2776262)

3.-Make Your Plan of Action. It determines a Plan of Action along with Ana Maria (2,776,262). This plan consists of joining invite as many people as possible to your Task Force, establishing a strategy according to your chances of time and commitment. The team is working and it is very important to always ask for support.

4.-Training The training is essential for the maintenance and continued growth, both you and your team. Regularly attends the presentations, trainings in person or through video-conferencing and audio conference that the company offers for free. For more information write to . Sincerely Zrii Juice regenerator ( )

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